Today’s successful business can’t live without an external battery charger

business travel accessories like external battery charger

When it comes to being successful in business, today, there is no question that mobile devices such as smartphone and tablets are critical.

What makes them so vital is that owners and employees are no longer tethered to a desk in case the landline rings and it reduces the need for never-ending games of voicemail tag.

The primary limitation to using these devices, however, is their power source.  Batteries run out – and always at the worst possible time! There isn’t anyone who has ever used a cell phone who hasn’t been on a critical call while watching the bars on the battery life indicator seem to drop like a stone.

There is a solution to that struggle.  It’s an external battery charger – also known as a portable battery pack or an external battery bank.  Whatever you call it, it’s essentially a lifesaver for anyone who uses their cell phone in business…which is pretty much everybody!

Think about how many times you’ve had to alter your behaviors to ration your battery power or run the risk of running out of juice when you needed it the most.  Wouldn’t it be nice if that wasn’t a concern anymore?

Consider the following scenarios to show you exactly how an external battery charger could become your business’s next best friend (aside from the mobile or portable device itself, of course!).

  • You’re on a business trip and after a long flight, you need to attend a highly important meeting. You cannot arrive unprepared for this tremendous opportunity. Plugging into the wall for five hours is out of the question.  You’re on a plane, followed by an airport and an airport limo.Would you rather hope that the other attendees are understanding or impress their socks off by arriving smoothly and completely ready, despite the fact that you’d just been in the air for six hours?  A compact, lightweight, powerful external battery charger gives you precisely the ability to stay cool.
  • You’re jammed like a sardine on public transit when the phone call of your life comes in, but you’d just finished killing time during the subway delay by playing round after round of Candy Crush Saga.  Now your smartphone doesn’t have a leg to stand on.Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to conveniently connect it to some more power so that you can talk as long as you want?
  • You’re at the local Starbucks using your tablet to show a presentation or your portfolio to potential clients when things run much longer than you had anticipated.  They’re interested and they have dozens of questions that require you to continue to use the device. It would be lovely to avoid having to draw your examples on napkins by being able to sub your battery power as soon as you need it, don’t you think?

These are only a few of the hundreds of examples that illustrate just how important an external battery charger can be to a business.  If you haven’t yet included one among your essential devices, then it might be time to start shopping.

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