iphone tips external battery charger

The top 5 awesome iPad and iPhone tips every user should know

iphone tips external battery charger

There are great tricks for these premium Apple mobile devices that let you get lots more out of it.

Are you the proud owner of an iPhone or iPad? If so, the odds are that there are functions available to you through your device and you’re not even aware of them; awesome functions.

When you want to get more out of your iOS device, then you’ve got to know how to use it.

There’s a lot more to your smartphone or tablet than simply making phone calls, receiving texts, playing games, waking you up in the morning and keeping your calendar. Any basic mobile device can do that! If that’s all you’ve been using your device for, then you’re missing out. In fact, you’re missing out on a lot and you may not even know it! While techies may know the majority of these top tips for iOS users, the typical users probably don’t.

Check out these great iPad and iPhone tips to open up a whole new world of features.

1 – Use notifications for direct app access. If you’re like the majority of users, you receive little pop-up notifications when you receive a text or a Facebook comment, for example. These arrive even when your phone is locked and the screen has hibernated. You don’t need to swipe and unlock your phone before heading to the app to open it up. Skip all that nonsense by simply swiping from left to right on the notification. If your phone doesn’t have a password, you’ll be sent there right away. If it does, you’ll be prompted for the password, then you’ll directly access that app.

2 – Single tap scrolling to the top of the page. If you ever get sick and tired of the continual swiping just to get back up to the top of a long page when you’ve made your way to the bottom, then just tap the status bar once (the place where your battery life and time are displayed) and you’ll jump right back up to the top. This works in many apps including email, websites, and your contact list.

3 – Take screenshots. If you miss being able to save pictures that you see on your screen, as you would on your laptop, then just take a screenshot by pressing the home button and the on/off button (at the top right edge) at the same time. This grabs a screen cap of whatever you are currently seeing and it will make the same sound as it does when you take a picture using the device camera. The screenshots will all be saved into your Camera Roll with the rest of your pics.

4 – Easily read webpages. Feel like you’re going blind and getting wrinkles at the same time as you squint over a tiny, crowded iPhone screen? Just tap the reader button (in the URL bar at the top of a webpage) and it will display much more clearly for you.

5 – Get way more smartphone battery life. If you have started to believe that your device knows when you need it the most and that these are the times when it decides to run out of juice, then just pack an iPhone portable external battery (or one for your iPad, if that’s what you’ve got), and you’ll always have enough backup power to get you through.

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